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Recipe for mango mojito

Mango mojito is a chilled and refreshing summer drink which has the goodness of mangoes and refreshness of mint and lemon. This yummy drink has become very famous these days and is popular amongst all. Who doesn’t loves Mojito and when clubbed with mangoes, the combination turns out to be heavenly. Mango mojito is named after virgin Mojito. Virgin Mojito is a non alcoholic beverage recipe.


This mango mojito is made by simply chopping and blending mango cubed along with sugar and then adding it in a glass along with mint leaves and lemon slices. They are further crushed with a muddler and mixed along with sprite or soda as per your choice. This refreshing drink tastes best with appetizers and can be made in seconds. You can also store the puree in form of ice cubes and use them as and when you need. So please go ahead and give this recipe a try and please don’t forget to share your reviews in the comments section below.

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Ripe mango- 1 cup
sugar- 4 tablespoon
mint leaves -6 to 8 leaves
lemon slices- 6 to 8 (small slices)
sprite/soda- 400 ml
ice cubes -6 to 8 cubes

Black salt – 1Tablespoon

Step by step recipe with images

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1) Firstly take a ripe mango and slice it into small pieces.

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2) Now take a mixer jar and add 1 cup of chopped mangoes in it.

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3) Add 4 tablespoon of sugar in it.

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4) Blend them well.

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5)Now take two glasses and add the mango puree in each glass.

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6) Add 1/2 teaspoon black salt in each glass.

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7) Add 2 to 3 mint leaves in each glass.

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8) Add 2 to 3 lemon slices in each glass.

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9) Crush them with a muddler.

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10)Finally add 2 to 3 ice cubes in each glass.

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11) Add 200 ml sprite or soda in each glass.

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12) Mix them well.

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13) Garnish the glass with lemon slices.

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14) Finally garnish it with mint leaves.

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15) Stir well and enjoy. Tastes best when served chilled. Requires immediate consumption.

Tips and Tricks

1) Blend the puree evenly. Avoid lumps.
2) You can alter the quantity of sugar as per your taste and preference.
3) Crush the mint leaves and lemon slices with muddler only then will the drink absorb their taste.
4) You can use soda or sprite. I prefer using sprite as it tastes super yummy.

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Healthier version

1) You can skip using sugar and use more mangoes instead.
2) You can substitute sugar with honey or brown sugar(organic).
3) You can avoid using sprite and use soda instead.


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